Excuses, excuses...
Since this is the first post in this weblog, I can't apologize for not posting more often. So, I guess I'll have to apologize for not posting sooner. Busy with work & family, you know...
Seriously, I've toyed with the idea of blogging for some time. Yet who has time to read another one, with millions in existence? In my surfings around the 'sphere, commenting here and there, I frequently remark that at least one other person will read my pearls of wit. Not so with a blog of my own. I don't feel any need to write diary entries. What creative juices I have get taken care of well enough at my Amazon page, my comments on other blogs around the 'sphere, and news:alt.quotations. Yet the urge for cheap self promotion, with a minimum of effort, still prods. So here I am.
Don't expect a lot, okay? Like you, I'll probably drop by infrequently.
Seriously, I've toyed with the idea of blogging for some time. Yet who has time to read another one, with millions in existence? In my surfings around the 'sphere, commenting here and there, I frequently remark that at least one other person will read my pearls of wit. Not so with a blog of my own. I don't feel any need to write diary entries. What creative juices I have get taken care of well enough at my Amazon page, my comments on other blogs around the 'sphere, and news:alt.quotations. Yet the urge for cheap self promotion, with a minimum of effort, still prods. So here I am.
Don't expect a lot, okay? Like you, I'll probably drop by infrequently.
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